What we have becomes a blindspot for us for example you bought an antique piece and you keep it in your house, so for few day you looks at it but after that it become blindspot for you which means that you didn't even see it. When we have something then we always see its negative points but when we get its alternative then we only see the negative points of that new thing and realise that last one was better than this. So what is the solution of this???
You must understand it, you always have a switch as we have to see everything with all aspects. For example if we take an situation as everyone dies, we will also die and not only us, our loves one, our parents will also die which is truth, so what its means, stick with them for whole life. For example birds when birds born then their mother taught them to fly same if we have to explore our life then we have to leave our comfort zone.
It can also be understand by a story as there is a person who works in another city as he come to another city leaving his home and in a month he take leave for four day and went to back his home and he is exploring his life by leaving in another city. It was his point of view as he can also say that why no he do work his own city where is his wife and parents but instead of this he is doing work in another city to interact with people.
It is just about from which point of view you saw the situation as the control of all the situations in your life is in your hands and you can change your view which will decide your path of life. The situation is not in your's hand because of circumstances and many times it also happen that the unexpected thing also happen in your life. The one aspect of thought is not in our control but the other aspect of thought is fully in our control. The aspect which is not in our control is what we thing it never happens and it is true and we are stuck in this as we want it happen that what we think and this aspect is not in our control but the other aspect of our thought is in our control which is the view, how we can see the situation it is in our control. What will happen is not in our control, what is happened is not in our control and what is happening is also not in our control but the view is in our control and we can change our view in just a second.
There are many people who always get stuck in their thoughts from many days, months and years also as they are seeing the situation only just with one view but when suddenly we change our view then got ideas about our thought.
The best view with which we can solve anything is see everything with positive aspect.
Stay Tuned With CONIC VISION.