In the mind of every youth there are many things which runs continuously. They have to hold or pause themselves with their one decision or thought. The decision you take in your life, you have see all the sides of it. The idea which comes in your mind, you have to hold yourself with that idea then the actual potential of that idea will come in your mind. Many people, specially youth react as, the idea come in their mind and they also get excited but when they found any negative point they drop that. This is same as giant wheel as you had sit in it. More you are far from the centre, more it is dangerous and if you come near to the centre then it become less dangerous. But the reality is that centre never moves and from centre it can also be observed all the movement of that giant wheel and you have to reach that centre but you didn't know that how you can reach to the centre. Now what is the centre in our real life??? back to the basic is the centre of our life as we always get distract from centre of our life.
From basics you have no problem in your life as all the basic thing you have. The reality is that we had made our life very complicated and we ourselves got confused in our complications. For example in our childhood there was no complexities in our life because our basics needs was full complete. This means that we doesn't need much things to be happy but it only possible when we know that how we can live happy as if we didn't know that, then no matter how much we get, we will not be happy.
So we have to make our concentration at centre of our life but if we concentrate our mind to that thing where is confusion, then we become more confused. As if we concentrate on that thing where there is no confusion then it become more simple to solve anything and take decision perfectly because there were no stress or tension in our mind. Our mind is like computer ant it will hang if the process continues one after the other but if we focus on basics of that computer which is mind then we can fix it easily.
If once you come on the centre of giant wheel of your life which is coming on basics then you can observe everything in your life. It doesn't means that you have to left all the thing in your life and have to focus only on your life but it means that you have to make your first priority, your life leaving all the things without which you are nothing.
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