Turkey is Muslim majority country as there is 98% of people are Muslims and Turkey is also counted in the most Muslims majority country. Till World War I there was Ottoman empire in the Turkey and when Ottoman empire finish then Turkey got independence in 1923 by Ataturk who was dictator and he was also counted in Benevolent Dictator as he always moves with progress of country. He also do good work and make Turkey independent and he also wants that Turkey should be a Secular country.
In 1924 Turkey's constitution was aborted and in 1928, Islam was removed as state religion as Ataturk always want not combine religion and politics. Many step were also taken at that time for this as Polygamy was banned, equal rights were given to all, voting right for women and co-education schools were also started. Ataturk principles were come from French secularism in which religion and politics were separated as people were not show off their religion in public.
In 1950 when Ataturk died then first time democracy was introduced to Turkey and it was first time that there was free and fair election were conducted and after this it was cleared that majority of people of Turkey was not convinced with that secularism as they want to display their religion in public. But the secularism of Turkey was not destroyed as Ataturk give this responsibility to the army of Turkey and it is also written in the constitution of Turkey.
Today the president of Turkey is Recep Tayyip Erdogan. He started his career in 1990s as he became the mayor of Istanbul and when he was mayor he also did many good works as he solve the problem of pollution, traffic and water shortage.and basically his image was good according to the people. In 2001 he started his party which was Justice and Development Party and the leaders of this party always said that this is not an Islamist Party. Erdogan's party also reflect the people as what people want. Due to this all in 2002 he won the elections and he become the Prime Minister of Turkey. After becoming the Prime minister of Turkey he also take many major steps like reducing the military role, stronger judiciary, supporting human rights.and due to this economy growth of Turkey also become good. In 2007 he again won the elections and become the Prime minister and in 2011 again third time he won the election and become prime minister for third time and coming to the 2014 he develop much of proud in himself. the problem was that, according to the Turkish constitution one prime minister can only do three terms maximum but Erdogan didn't wan't to leave his place and as much time he won the election so he gain much of proud as he can't leave his place, so in 2014 he apply for President and also won the election and at that time president have no much power but he want power as prime minister so he passed constitutional reform by his party.
Ataturk had given the responsibility to Military to save the constitution of Turkey and the time had come as Erdogan was trying to change the constitution of Turkey for his powers then Turkish military take action against this by falling the government. Military also did it for four time before this and get successful in this but this time military coup fails as Erdogan draws a video message for their party supporters to come out from their houses to stop the military and people also come out and stop the military and save the Erdogan.
In 2017 Erdogan passes a law in which all the powers of Prime Minister was shifted to the President and the post of Prime Minister should be abolished. And now President is only the head executive of government of Turkey. To pass this constitutional reform Erdogan conduct a referendum and with the narrow majority he won this referendum and many people also said that this was not free and fair.
In 2018 once again election was held for President and Erdogan won the election but this election is also called as a fraud. But this time a huge downfall was shown in the Turkey's economy growth and unemployment get increased. Turkey also loose their currency value by 30%, inflation over 10% and GDP rate become 0-1%. Now people and journalist starts rising voice against this but Erdogan do that thing which every dictator do which is making prisoner to all the journalist and people who raise voice against this. Today Turkey is the only country which have journalist as prisoners.
Now what can he do to improve his image in the eyes of people, he use religion as shield for that as he distract the people from real issue with the help of religion. For this Erdogan reopen the Islamic schools with double funding as compare to government schools, he also start building the Mosques and in 2019 he built the largest Mosque of Istanbul. They also start to make violence against the minority religions of Turkey by making anti-nationalist conspiracy theories. Finally the latest decision of Erdogan is making the Hagia Sophia museum to the Mosque but people are not a big fool as according to a survey 55% of people are saying that Erdogan is doing all this due to distract people from real issues.
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