What Should Your Leader Be Like- A Dog or A Loin??? Random Facts

What Should Your Leader Be Like- A Dog or A Loin??? Random Facts

Do You Know

1. Rabies is a deadly virus which spread to people from the saliva of infected animals and mostly this spread when street dogs bite people and due to this person get uncontrollable. The vaccine of this virus was discovered by Louis Pasteur in 1885. Firstly he tested this vaccine on animals but for final test he have to test it on human for which firstly he has to infect a person with this virus and after which he inject vaccine and this vaccine work perfectly. But after many years he shared an anecdote of that day and he said that if his vaccine does not work that day then that person could be uncontrollable for which he also put a gun in his desk so that he can shot him but he got success.

2. In the world tallest building, Burj Khalifa, it is very difficult and expensive to live or owning an office but George V is only person who bought 22 apartments in Burj Khalifa out of 900 and it took only 6 years to him to buy all these apartments. George is a founder of The Geo Group but in his initial days he was an A.C. mechanic and he thought about to business in Dubai and he start work of A.C. in Dubai and from 1976 to 2020 he developed so much that he have many business in different countries.

3. In 1962 when war between India and China happened then in this war, India was defeated by China but in this war there was also a Hero, Jaswant Singh Rawat who prevented the Chinese army from entering India for almost three days and he alone killed around 300 military person. He was continuously firing from different direction due to which Chinese military got confused. There were also two girls who helped him for location and loading magazine but her father tells about Jaswant to the military force after which he was attacked from behind after after killing him he was hanged with a tree and they cut his head and take him head with them.

4. Once Napoleon said that if a lion is made the leader of 100 dogs then all the dongs will fight like loin because they will start think like loin but if if a dog is made the leader of 100 loins then all the loins will die like dog and ran like dog because all the loins will start thinks like dog. This is the example to understand that what should our leader be like.

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