Depression and Suicidal thought type things can't be control by any type of medicines as there many people who take sleeping pill which can help you for some time but at long time it shows bad effect. To take over depression and thoughts you have to understand your thought process because it is only your psychological thinking which create such things in your mind. There are many people who can't even understand themselves because the wounds in their inner become more deep that they are unable to heal it. If you are from such category or anyone's other near is from such category then that person need company of another person, that could be you, a friend, family or anybody. Most of people thought that to came out from depression person have to forgot their old thought, so it is not much possible, because any person even know the incidents of childhood then how a person can forgot that thing which is revolving in mind for everytime but the another thing is to create new thoughts. If you will focus to forgot old thoughts then you are not focusing on to forgot but you are focusing on that thought which you want to forgot, apart from this if you try to create new thoughts, new incidents, new memories in your life then it will be more efficient.
If you are depressed and suicidal thought always came in your mind then you have to come out from your that life because if you will stuck in that then you life become more like jail but getting up and starts a new journey will make you more strong. A have to be positive because it will make you aura positive too with which more people will attract toward you.
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