Incidents in France and Blasphemy!!!

Incidents in France and Blasphemy!!!

The president of France Emmanuel Macron had took some decision and in response of this many things come out. This is very important issue for the whole world because it indicates the problems which come from globalisation. People lives in different countries, having different ideology, follows different cultures and when these people meet with other people starts living in different countries then what problems came out, which cultural clashes are face by people. Along with this it also questions free speech and blasphemy which is very important.

On 16 October, 2020 a school teacher was murdered in France whose name was Samuel Paty and the reason behind his murder was that he was teaching freedom of expression to his 12-14 years old students in class and he use Charlie Hebdo magazine as an example on which there was a cartoon of Prophet Muhammad and it was defaming the Prophet Muhammad and this was those cartoon due to which a terrorist attack was also happened in 2015 in Paris and in this attack more than 11 people were died. Prophet Muhammad is one of the most important religious figure for Muslims and his visual depiction is forbidden in Islam. The cartoon of Prophet Muhammad by Charlie Hebdo magazine is not only visual depicts but also show him wearing a turban which is in shape of bomb and also because of this many people thought that it also defame the Islam religion. On 2 September 2020, the trail of the attack of 2015 was starts and on 25 September 2020 another attack happened in the front of the old office of Charlie Hebdo because after 2015 Charlie Hebdo changed his location and he operates from secrete location but in this attack also 2 people got injured. On 16 October 2020 a school teacher was murdered. this murder was done by a boy whose name was Abdullah and he was just 18 years old refugee from Chechnya. According to him he had taken the revenge on the behalf of Prophet Muhammad and after the murder he also posted it on twitter. Clearly the reason behind this murder was religious extremism. 
French president Emmanuel Macron awarded Legion d'honneur to the Samuel Paty which is highest civilian award and he said that this attack is not only done on a person but this attack is happened on the French republic and values of French. Islamist use the word of separatism and also said that the government is trying to separate the Muslims lives in country and fully tries to make French version of Islam.
Emmanuel Macron also pass some other reforms to decrease this religious extremism in which it is said that foreign train imam will banned to preach in France all the imams who preach in mosque have to take certificate from the government. More surveillance will done on those associations and individuals who are suspect for the following of the ideology of this religious extremism. It was also said in December a bill will come which make stronger the law of 1905 will officially separate the religions and the government and with this bill more distance will create between the religion and government. Although France was first country which make separation between the government and religions and take democracy and secularism to the country and even remove the Blasphemy law.

Continued to Part 2.

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