Exploring the Quotes of Helen Keller!!!

Exploring the Quotes of Helen Keller!!!

Helen Keller is not a name only but an inspiration for the whole world. She had achieved so many things but the biggest achievement of her is her autobiography which is written by herself even at one time she was not able to listen and speak. Shed had a deep thought process which can be understand by her quotes.

Once she said that "The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision", if you are unable to see the things, the world around you, the life around you than it is worse thing for you as everywhere there is darkness around you but she said that the worse thing than this is having sight which means you can see but you didn't have any vision to see the world. The vision behind Helen Keller was of her teacher who help her to achieve such things as she didn't give up even Helen was the one of biggest barrier but she turn this barrier to one of the most epic thing. If your vision is only to see the world then that vision is not valuable, your vision should have the quality to see the quality in your and around you like her teacher saw that quality in her. If you have that vision to see your quality, to discover that quality in yourself which none of other haver then that is the real vision you have.

One of the quote of Helen Keller is "When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door than we do not see the one which has opened for us", this can be understand by the life of Helen Keller as in childhood door of her life was closed as she become deaf and dumb but she didn't look toward that doors back as she saw that if these doors had closed then she should have to find another and use her other senses in her life. And with that door she found, she achieved much things in her life. This all tells about problems always comes in life and it will not stop but you didn't have to look towards that only, she should have to find that door behind which there is a problems of it.
You living in the field of infinite possibilities as anything can happen in the life of anyone, there is no limit of it and also what you can do, for that there is no limit which means that closed doors are limited but the opened doors are unlimited. At ever moment of life only few doors get close but there are also many others which opens for you but you didn't find that because you only think for closed one.

Another quote by Helen Keller is " Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye" which means that you are not a weaker one as you are most strongest person in your life. This doesn't means that your are the powerful one but it means that you are not the weakest one as there are some weaknesses of yours which may be that power of other and also there are some weaknesses of others which may be the power of yours. You should have to know about that what you can do.

Stay Tuned With CONICVISION.

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