Man who was Growing his Death for 7 Years!!! random Facts

Man who was Growing his Death for 7 Years!!! random Facts

Do You Know

1. There is a man from Florida who did very bad with his neighbour as he threw the seeds of Cannabis which is a type of drug and after 3 months when the pants of Cannabis grew up then he himself call the police and create a case for illegal work but after the investigation he got arrested as police found that he threw those seeds.

2. When the world's biggest diamond was sent from Africa to England then a route from oceans was created and around and on the ship there was high security as there were many ships around the ship in which there was diamond and on this huge amount of money was also spent and all this was only done because no one stole it but in that ship there was no diamond as it was sent in a secret way of mail. They only did distraction with all the security.

3. Hans Strininger was an American man and he have long beard, long means his beard reaches to his feet and he was a Lawyer but he was famous for his beard which he grew from 7 years. Once the colony in which he lives got fire and because of it all the houses in that colony was fired up and his wife and two sons ran away from the house but he lives on the third floor and when he was coming down from the stairs then his beard came under his feet due to which he fells down and got injury in his head due to which he become unable to move and caught fire due to which he dies. He was growing his death from such years.

4. Isaac Newton who is mostly famous for his graving which he found when he was sat under the apple tree and one of greatest mind and scientist. He also have predicted something very big as in 1704 he said that in 2060 the world will end and it will happen because of change in the nature.

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