The Problem with Chinese Apps and Their Rules!!!

The Problem with Chinese Apps and Their Rules!!!

When the name of bad apps come out in social media or simple media then Chinese apps come in top, the apps which have partnership with Chinese companies are also come in top and the biggest example of this was TikTok which was one of the biggest app and it was completely banned in India and now also banning in U.S. and the reason behind this was security and private data which stolen from the user mobile phone through such apps. Not only Tiktok but there are many such apps which was banned like PubG which was another big game and PubG only had partnership with Chinese company which was Tencent but still it was banned from India due to its security and privacy and even Chinese mobile companies was also banned like Huawei and this creates big hate in public and every device which was related to it was even banned and the biggest reason behind this ban was Huawei was collecting the data of U.S. users and sending it to the China and there was no idea for what that data used.

India had also banned around 200+ Chinese apps including Tiktok and PubG and these were the apps which have a big base in India and these companies also face a huge fall in their growth and here the reason was same of collecting data and sending it to China. Chinese apps and companies are banned mostly because there is a National Intelligence Law which was passed in 2017 and under this all the Chinese apps come and in this law many huge changes was done and many things were toned downed in this law and in this there was data collection as data collection from user mobile was also toned down. According to that law for all the Chinese companies it is mandatory to share data with Chinese government and government can do anything with that data. Basically today data from user device is collected by many companies like Facebook, Microsoft and Google which take much data from device and that data is of user but that data is encrypted on the safe servers and the liability is of Google as if Google do any mistake then the CEO of Google have to go in court but the law of China said that whatever the data is, no matter from where that data is coming if once it reached to China that data is of Chinese government and they can do anything with that data without any consent of user. That data can also use misused and that data is sufficient to know about the situations.

There is a reporter of New York Times, Yi-Zheng Lian and wrote a statement in one of his article that under the law "Spying for the state is a Duty of citizens and corporations of China under the law, much like paying taxes which is a polarizing statement but with the help of this law, a person's data can be misused. The are very weird laws of China that if someone alleged the government then it is not allowed. It creates a very big problem for the public who use Chinese apps because the laws in China regarding security and privacy are very weak and because of this strict rules of different countries such types of Chinese will be banned. 

Stay Tuned With CONICVISION.

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