Smartphone technology is running very rapidly due to which mobile phones are also coming in market with the same speed in which they are made. Now the smartphone technology is going for invisible phone which was concept and dream till now but it has also come in test.
Transparent phones are a fantasy for public from starting as this concept is also very awesome that we will operate that device from which we can see across and this type of things had also done in movies and due to this it also create a hype in public for this. Today the transparent Smart T.V.s are there, there are windows panel which are transparent and this concept had also done once with a phone which was not smartphone from Sony, Sony pureness. Its screen was transparent but not full but the change which has come in the technology today there are much expectation that full transparent mobile phone will come out. If we talk about transparent phone then there are many challenges for this like display can be formed as transparent which is also possible today but problems comes in other components of mobile phone and it is also not that companies accept the defeat concept of transparent phone has come out from LG and Samsung. But things like camera where will go as camera can't be formed as transparent and there is not only camera there are many things like motherboard, battery, wires etc..
The thing which can happened for this that display can be formed transparent but there should be a thick bezel in the bottom of the phone where all the component of the phone will stored safely and this thing has maximum possibilities as models of such things has also come out.
The smartphone can be formed but the thing is that which company will come firstly for this type of phone because the company which will come firstly will can't make their best and due to the first launch other companies can make their profit, so there is also a type of risk for any company to launch a transparent. LG and Samsung are the main leading companies which are trying to create such a this type of stuff. There are very less possibilities for a completely bezel less transparent smartphone because there are many things in the smartphones which are not full improved till now.
But the question is that is there an requirement for a transparent phone as what is a big achievement in this!!
Stay Tuned With CONICVISION.