One way to Live Happily!!! Thoughts

One way to Live Happily!!! Thoughts

Is there is way with which you can be happy instantly at this moment, most people will say that if you think positive then you will get happiness but how many people there are who always think positive. Always negative thoughts come more than positive thoughts and if you stuck in the cycle of negative thoughts then it become almost impossible to come out from that cycle. If you are able to come out from this cycle immediately then the happiness is yours but how and when you come out from that cycle then it shouldn't be temporary and it must sustain as if any negative thought will come in your mind then it won't affect you. is there any way for it???

The only way for this is satisfaction as if you are satisfied with what you have then you are happy because negative thoughts come only when you won;t have that thing which you want but if you satisfied with yourself, with what you have then for you the first priority is yourself due to which negative thoughts will also not come because you have yourself. There is only one way to live happily and that way is feeling of gratitude in our heart which is not only in words but also in actual life. If you do that then your mind will be relaxed as the real problem of mind is even if everything in your life is going perfectly but if one negative thought will come then you will feel guilty. Even the thousand positive things happen in your life but if one negative things will happen in your life then you will feel regret for it, this is the problem of mind. We always try to find negative thing in our surrounding as there are very less people who focus on positive things.
Suppose there are some dreams of you and you achieved your dreams then is there everything is perfect, no because even after that you will attract toward other things because need of human never ends and this is also because of your mind, so here you have need to change your mind which means that you have to change your thinking deeply regarding positive and negative thoughts which is directly connected to peace of mind as if you deeply understand that what you have to focus on positive or negative things then it is connected with peace of mind and destruction of mind and you have to choose on what you have to focus. If you do any work peacefully then got success in your work more easily than doing work destructively. 
If you do your work peacefully then you must get positivity from your surrounding even you become able to find positivity in your negative things and also become able to change your negative things to positive things.

Stay Tuned With CONICVISION.

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