According to you what is mind??? What do you think thought is mind?, thinking is mind? or brain is mind? One thing is that we can understand mind only on the basis of facts which is a scientific method and the other thing is that understanding mind on the basis of beliefs which all have different.
Actually the reality of mind is very simple and it is also possible that understanding the mind should be very simple but if we understand the mind on the basis of our beliefs then we will never understand that.
Once if you stop talking with yourself then your thought will also stops to coming because it is impossible to think without talking whether with ourselves or others. The language which we use, there are many pictures, sensations and experiences which are associated with it and with this our mind works. In animals there is also a language but it is very simple and it is not much complex as animal also think with the simple language but the language of humans is much complex that humans also get confuse in it. If there is no need to thinking even then we will imagine. For example most of people thought that what will happen if it happen, here there is no need to think about that but people even thought about that.
If we stop talking with ourselves which is not much hard and it is real silence. This is all about thoughts but actually we don't know what thought is??? If we stop talking with ourselves then where it will stops of go. Actually thoughts are important for us and thought are not bad. If thought will stop to come then we will become a dead person so thoughts is not a problem and talking with ourselves is also not a problem because talking with ourselves means thinking. If you talk with other then you will talk with them by judging the things but it is more important to talk with ourselves by judging the things but we didn't do that because we didn't know that what mind is??
What we talk, think with the associations, our body which is automatically working and it doesn't need to think about body as we didn't think about our breath which is intelligence of our body and intelligence of mind. Mind is only where all the information stores and where we can give a right direction to our thoughts and it can be controlled only when if we control our thoughts.
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