If a Girl is Witch then She is Threw up in Water!!! Random Facts

If a Girl is Witch then She is Threw up in Water!!! Random Facts

Do You Know

1.You may know the names of many short gun like S686 gun and S12K gun because of games or for knowledge but you may not know that the world biggest short gun is Punt Gun and this gun requires two person to operate it and this short gun is much powerful that with its one short more than 90 birds can be killed and for this it was used. Its length is about 13 feet and have a weight of 42 Kg.

2. You must have heard about chicken sandwiches, butter sandwiches and also about vegetable sandwiches and even you have eaten them but you may not hear about Earth sandwich and its credit goes to two persons. First person was from New Zealand and second person was from Spain and by using GPS they both put pieces of bread on the opposite points of Earth and they made an Earth Sandwich.

3. In the 17th century, in England and America, if someone suspected a girl to be a witch as if they thought that the girl is not a girl is actually a witch then the hands and foots of that girl is tied up with rope and that girl is threw up in the water as if it is witch then it will float and if it is a girl then that girl dies in water.

4. In a village Maharashtra, India there was a lady whose name was Sangeeta and she went to another village to get water for her home and people of that village didn't let her to fill the water because she was of lower caste and people in that village was of upper caste and make her ashamed because of her caste and when she came back then she told this to her husband and after a hour her husband starts digging a well near their house and he was alone and people and even his wife make fun of him but he never let back and he spend 6 hours daily in that well and spend 8 hours of the day on work and he work 14 hours daily and after 40 days of hardwork he got success in his work and the people who was making fun of him suddenly came to that well to fill water for their home.

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