Exploring the Quotes of Bruce Lee!!!

Exploring the Quotes of Bruce Lee!!!

Bruce Lee said that "Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend." When we go to do something, many things are already going on in our mind regarding that. If we understand this from the standpoint of Bruce Lee then it means that there should not be any thought in your mind regarding your opponent. As it will happen that you have understand your opponent to defeat but at a moment your opponent changes style. 

You know that how you can face the action of your opponent which are in your mind but you can't face those actions which are in your opponent's mind. Life always make new challenges for us as those things happen in our life which are unexpected and if you want to find the solutions of all those challenges then your mind should be completely empty. You have to be like water so that you can face every situation or problem of your life.

There is a quote by Bruce Lee that "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." This simple means that do not pray for an easy life because life is not easy at all and if you are praying for an easy life then your prayer is wrong, your expectation is wrong as it become of that type which can be get completed. No one has easy life whether it is poorest or richest. And if you want to pray then pray for strength so that you can endure your difficult part of life. For example if you want a well body then you have to do hardwork for that, so here you didn't have to pray for a good body but you have to pray for strength so that you can make your body much better than that.

Bruce Lee said that "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times" This defines the real meaning of practice, the person who have practiced one thing many times then that person reach to a state which is state of flow in which that person do that thing automatically as it become a type of daily routine. One thing is that you have to do something by thinking but other thing is that you do that work even without thinking about that which is with practice. For example if someone has practice 10 time to kick someone at neck then even that person need to think and analyse about that but the person who has practiced it 10,000 times then that person didn't need to think about that and it happen automatically. Basically with practice think went to our subconscious mind and it comes out as breathing.

Stay Tuned With CONICVISION.

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