Baboons were Employed at Railway Stations!!! Random Facts

Baboons were Employed at Railway Stations!!! Random Facts

Do You Know

1. In 1800, baboons was employed by government in railways department and these baboon also had their identity cards and they were also well trained for their work and for their work beer was given to them as their wages but the amazing thing is that these baboon never do any mistake in their work .

2. There was a man who was operated for his diseases and that operation was the surgery of his brain and during the surgery he was playing violin because he was master in his work which was playing violin and he was playing it even during surgery because he didn't want that the operation affect talented part of  his brain in any way and by playing violin he was making his surgery.

3. In 1986, a French woman learn to fly helicopter and she also pay much money  for that and when she learnt it fully then she take a helicopter on rent and she flew it towards the jail where her husband was imprisoned and it all was fully pre-planned.

4. You may know about Fidget spinner and may be you also try to spin it once in your life as some years ago it was in trending in public. Catherine Hattinger was the woman who patented this fidget spinner but after that she saw that no one was buying it due to which in 2005 she stops to renew that patent of fidget spinner because at that time she didn't have even $400 to renew the patent of this. So she didn't knew that in future it will become a trend in the people.


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