Do You Know
1. In the first World War, Captain Robert Campbell was captured by German Forces and then suddenly her mother felt very sick and she was on the stage of death due to which instead of escaping from the jail he take permission from jailer to meet with his mother and that jailer also give him permission but on a condition that he have to promise that he will come back and according to his promise he also come back to the jail even he tried to escaping from the jail after few day but he never break his promise.
2. Bolivia Country is famous for its game Tinku which is played among the people of the country and every years the festival of Tinku game is also celebrated in that country. In this festival people play Tinku for 3 to 4 days in which people fight with each others and hit each others with stick, sword, hands, kicks etc. and a real fight is happen between the people.
3. Once Bill Gates Put a Jar which was filled with mosquitoes during the speech of TedTalks and on the stage he opened that jar which was completely filled with mosquitoes and also those mosquitoes started attacking on the audience and he do that because he want to realise the audience that what the problems poor people faces in their life as he said that whay only poor people experience this, all have to experience that.
4/ Dermatographia is a that condition in which if a slight scratch will fall on someone's skin then it create a type of outline on the skin which moves upward from the skin and because of this people also write many things of their skin not with pen but with their nails who have Dermatographia. But that outline is formed for a small time after which skin become normal.
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