Elon Musk once said that "the first step is to establish that something is possible then probability will occur" which means that in the life the first step of doing anything is to establish in our mind or accept that whatever we are doing is possible for us, as if we are doubted that is it possible or not then whatever we will do after that it is worthless for you as you always get negative result. For example you are from that background in which none of your family members achieved something big in their life and when you try to do something big in your life then your family fears from that as they thought that it is very hard to do because they even not try that, so it is not a problem, you have to establish in your mind that it is possible but if even you are doubted then there are more chances of your failure. It may be hard but it is possible also. If you feared to drive your car then there is less possibility that you will reach your destination but if you are confident then there are more possibilities. Now if you even established in your mind that it is possible then is it means that you will achieve success??? whatever you did there is always one thing exist which is probability, we can't be hundred percent sure under any circumstances in anything. A probability of failure always exist but only when you knew about that it is impossible.
A quote by Elon Musk "I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary" the word which is most focused is choose. It means that to those whom we call extraordinary who achieved extraordinary actually are ordinary. They all also are normal people but the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the choice. To achieve some extraordinary in life is not a matter of luck, it is a matter of choice. We can choose to be ordinary and we choose to be extraordinary. A little thing can also make you extraordinary from ordinary which can also be wake up early and with these little things an ordinary person became an extraordinary. These choices are based upon two things, one is based upon feelings and emotions which didn't let you come from your comfort zone and second is based upon your willpower, no one feels good for workout it is their willpower with and it become more powerful than emotions or feelings for extraordinary.
Elon Musk said that " when something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favour" which means that when something is important for you and you do it whether you know that there is less chances success in that and it is only when you know that it is very important. For example, you are in jungle and you are thirsty then what will you do there, will you make excuses for that??? You will try to find water whether you know that there are less chances that you will find water there and still you will try to find water until you will die because you know that it become most essential thing for you in that moment and it is not imaginary or for that moment but in actual it is very important. When the situation become of do or die then you will do that work instead there should be less chances to be successful in it.
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