A Strange thing will Happen on 13 April 2029, Friday!!!

A Strange thing will Happen on 13 April 2029, Friday!!!

 Do You Know

1. Jellyfishes and Lobsters, both are biologically immortal which means both of these never die, they never have any age and they never die until they are killed by another. Jellyfishes have neither heart and nor brain and it is still alive from past 500 years and these are only killed by tortoise.

2. If you love to swim and you ever swim in swimming pool then you will fear from this because most of people think that the water in the pool is clean and not harmful but in the pool there is Naegleria exist which is also called as brain eating amoeba and in whose body it reaches that person dies in just a week. It directly attacks on brain and start eating it.

3. You may ever watch videos on Youtube but do you know which is the biggest glitch of Youtube??? There is a video on Youtube with the title, Why do Youtube views freeze at 301? and the total views on that video is also 301 and that views are freeze from last 7 years and the shocking this is that the likes on that videos is more that 400,000. This is because, 7 years ago it was very big thing to get 300 views on Youtube video and the video which get views more than 300 then Youtube freezes the views of that video to check that the views are real or fake and the algorithm of Youtube is still unable to verify the views of that video.

4. On 13 April 2029, which will be a wonderful thing on Friday, which you can also see. On that day, a 1000 feet wide asteroid will pass a short distance from Earth to the Moon and everyone will be able to see that asteroid.

Stay Tuned With CONICVISION.

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