A New Technology in Brain!!! Neuralink- Next Step

A New Technology in Brain!!! Neuralink- Next Step

Everyone has seen Iron Man but this time Iron Man is coming to reality. Many films have futuristic things like someone injecting something into the body or attaching something to the body and many disable people also do human implants and it seems to be very futuristic and amazing but now those things are going to become reality.

Elon Musk who is one of the biggest entrepreneur, Tesla which is the biggest electric car company and SpaceX which make reusable rockets, Elon Musk is the owner of both these companies and now he has taken a very big project. Actually he promised that he would make a chip that would be implanted in the brain and with that anyone can communicate with their brain directly. This is very weird but amazing too. This device will be replaced with some brain cells and this device is named as Neuralink.
Basically the technology has become very powerful as computer, mobiles and all the devices are moving ahead of humans but there are many things which stops human to use all the devices 100% as if you want to write letter then you will not write similar thing which is in your mind due lack of words or something other but with this you can tell your mobile which is in your mind exactly whether there is a picture in your mind that will all form on your mobile and you can also tells your exact imagination.
This is exactly that we communicate directly with devices and also can give command what we want. This device will take time for implementation around 10 to 15 years because this device is a next step of the technology.

This is implementing in phases and the first phase is that they are checking on animals that how it works and these type of things also need many approvals from governments and FDA. In the second phase it would be implement on those people for whom this is necessary like someone is paralysed, it helps these people to control everything only with their brain. In the third phase this would be implement on the normal people to make them more powerful and this would be also very creative and amazing.
Initially this device was very complicated as it starts from the ear and to the top of the brain but now this become very compact and simple and turn to the size of coin which will implanted in brain with operation. Now the operation is very complicated for this, so this operation will not be done by doctors, but special robots have been made for this and these robots are almost complete. This device also have specifications as there are 1024 channels per Link which means that 1024 wires will injected in brain and with those channels the signal will sent. This device has Megabit wireless data rate and has 1 day of battery life.
This July it is approved by the FDA in which it is approved for test on humans and its progress is also very fast. This is also very scary that it can also be misused as if someone hack it or wrong signals will enter in the brain. There is no answer to these types of things, but in future it may also be resolved.

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