Why Quiet People Seems to be More Powerful: Psychology

Why Quiet People Seems to be More Powerful: Psychology

We saw many people in our nearby it should be your friends, your colleague or your relative that he/she talk very less with any other and always stay lost in their thoughts and they mostly seems to be very powerful, angry, destructed from inside. Is they actually are???

There are many types of people in our society like some who always laugh and some who makes other laugh, some who always remain anger and some who always get frustrated but their are one another type of people who always remain quiet. This types of people are very hardly found but when people see them first time then they always think that they are frustrated, angered or broken from inside and even some people also thought that they are mad. But what they actually are???
They are powerful. These types of people are very powerful from inside and are introverts as they always concerned with their own thoughts and feelings and didn't thought about other things. Many of us had also grown up with these introverts in childhood as they also didn't knows about what they are actually thinking. And this makes them powerful as no one can estimate that what they are thinking. There are some people who always reveal everything about them as everyone knows that what type of person he/she is but the person who always remain quiet, no one can know about them what type of person they are and many people also fear that how to start conversation with them??? Like if he/she is angered then how they treat them. As there are many people who always makes people fool like the person about whom everyone knows, it is easily to make fool these type of people but making fool the introvert or quiet people is very hard as know one knows how they actually are, they are intelligent or they are more intelligent. 
This also make these type people unique.

But why they are like this???
Behind the nature of every person in the world there is a story, a story of their background and surrounding. If someone always smile and makes other smile then in their childhood their parents always makes them happy so that they had adopt their that nature for their full life but for the introvert their is something happened in their life so that they become like this. They always remain quiet because their are some thought which always forces them to think about so that they can never focus on another things. The thoughts should also be positive like for their future or studies and also be negative like somethings is happened in their life which is wrostly bad as they didn't come out from that.

The power of these people defines them and mostly people always fear from them and these type of people always got success in their life because they always live in their own life in which no one can beat them.

Which type of people you are???

Stay Tuned With CONIC VISION.

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