We Have to Boycott Chinese Products!!!: boycott China

We Have to Boycott Chinese Products!!!: boycott China

The situation between India and China is bad for many years and recently Indian has lost their 20 soldiers and due to this in India once again Boycott China is trending as many people had throw their TV's, machines and other products which are from China because Indians are fired from inside.We all know that China's communist party want to own full world by economically, politically and geographically and they used man dirty tactics for this. And this is not only happen with India, China also do same thing with Taiwan and economically they did with many countries and China also becoming a danger for many countries and all this behind is Communist Party of China who has placed the Dictatorship on China.

Why would any country want to trade with any other country??? There are three main reason behind this, first is if a country didn't have a product which they can import from other, second is the product or service is much cheaper in a country then other country and the third reason is if product or service is of better quality in a country and these have many advantages as consumers get many choices, they get cheaper products and any country can specialise their product so that they can make their better product and it is a good thing as in one report it is said that if 1% increase in trade to GDP ratio then it will increase 0.47% GDP per Capita but it is simplistic explanation as in real work there are many complexities in this as what happen with Underdevelopment countries which can't do specialisation in their products and they can't do export, they only have to do import and it cause many loss for the country. So for this they countries who are developed or underdevelopment imposes taxes which is called TARIFF as consumer have to pay tax for any product which is imported from other country.
Now many countries import many products from China but china do an Evil trade. In 2001 China join the World Trade Organisation but at that time WTO impose many conditions on China as China had promised to liberalise its economy in 2001 so it become easy to trade between China and other countries but in 2020 at very small extend they had liberalise their economy but from outside they had misused WTO as every where in any country you will find the Chinese products as they export much of their products but when we talk about import then the world's biggest social media networks Youtube, Facebook, Google, Amazon, there is no existence of these in China. This is one sided trade as they only export their products but didn't import other's products, instead do these they had copied all the big brands like Youtube, Google and iPhone and launched them in their own company. With this we can also say that China is a copy cat. They always clone other companies and if this is happen in democratic country then it is not possible to clone everything very easily as anyone can make court case against this but dictatorship of China promote this and China had made their own rules for this.

There is strategy which is used by China, Dumping. It means that they had export their product in much cheaper costs as the companies of the origin or local industries fell down or go to out of business. For example if a country made toys a certain cost and then Chinese companies sell the same product at the cheaper cost and consumer always buy the cheaper product and if this happen for 2-3 years then that company of the origin goes out of business and due to this a type of control on people is made by that Chinese company. Now many people thought that how China made these products in much cheaper costs then Chinese government helps that company for Dumping as government give subsides to that company for export their products. China had dumped many companies in many countries and many countries also take action against this.
Politically Chinese communist party is trying to extend their influence over other countries and its best example is Australia as oa report shows that China had made many wechat groups to defame Australian ministry and it is also said that China is building up their spy network in Australian universities as once a Chinese student in Australia take a participate in a protest which was become again Chinese government and Chinese government find his parents in China for their child.

China also do dept trap in many poor countries like African counties as China made investment in these countries by make Dams, highways and many big infrastructure by giving them loans as they know these countries can't pay their money or loan and when they are unable to pay then China physically occupy their lands as if there is imported port then china occupy those ports by sending their military. There are many countries with which this debt trap is played.

Due to the dictatorship in China there is no free media in China and also there is no opposition party in China and due to this no one can easily understand China which make them easy to own other countries. There are many countries which is against of China and everyone has to Boycott China.

Stay Tuned With CONIC VISION.

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