Saving Life by Donating Blood: World Blood Donor Day

Saving Life by Donating Blood: World Blood Donor Day

There are many disasters which come in many parts of the world everyday like earthquake, cyclone, tsunamis and also many accidents are happen in the life of many people like car accidents, some get fall from building etc. in all these mis-happens many people lose their lives only because excess of blood loss and they didn't get sufficient blood from blood banks.

At some point the reason of their death is also we are. As we can donate blood to save life of someone but many of us didn't donate our blood. A report about blood donation had come out which shows that only 42% of blood is collect from high income countries and it can save lives of only 16% of total population.
In our daily life many people only dies because they didn't get the sufficient blood of their blood group as some blood groups are very rare as they are found very hardly so if someone who is of rare blood group who become victim of any disaster and loss his/her blood they how he/she will survive. You can save the life of that person by only donating a little part of your blood.

There are many people also who got a new life as they survive only because of getting a clean blood at right time. So for this on 14 of June every year World Blood Donor Day is celebrated only for those people who donate their blood to save life of someone. The biggest thing is that they donate blood for those people about whom they even know that. 
But there other people also who didn't survive only because they didn't get clean blood at right time. So for on 14 of June many people from different health cares spread awareness about to donate blood and save life. We all have to donate our blood for needy people as it can save lives of many.

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