Protecting our Blue Planet: World Oceans Day

Protecting our Blue Planet: World Oceans Day

We all know that our planet Earth is called as Blue planet because of 71% of water on Earth. As only 71% of area of Earth is only covered with water and almost 95.6% of the Earth's water is only hold by Oceans. It can also be said that Earth is blue planet only because of Oceans.

Oceans has a big contributions in our life i.e. oceans are also responsible for the Earth's clean atmosphere which work as hydrological cycle and oceans are also used for trading, for import and export. Oceans are also responsible for our breathing i.e. the air also contain carbon dioxide in it and for pure breathing of oxygen for us oceans absorbs almost 50% of carbon dioxide from the air. 
Oceans are also responsible for rain as evaporated water from oceans forms clouds of rain which falls over many polluted cities. Oceans also give lives to many aquatic animals and at the same time oceans are also a source of food for creatures. Oceans are very important for many.

So for this, we celebrate World Oceans Day every year on 8th June. The main purpose of this day is to inform people about sustainable development with Oceans. As on today's date Oceans are getting polluted by actions of people. In many part of the world Oceans are also used as the dustbin where all the garbage of the city has dumped down. We have to take care of this precious resource. As it is the only resource on Earth which produces other resources.

The main theme of World Oceans Day 2020 is "Innovation for a Sustainable Development". Innovation which help us to find new methods and products for sustainable development with the oceans. Our planet is blue only because of these oceans and remaining it blue for centuries is in our, it all depends on our actions that how we use this resource. If we use this resource by taking it as sustainable goals then we can also give a better life to our next generation.
It all depends on us.

Stay Tuned With CONIC VISION.

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