This day is celebrating the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces.

We all know that World War II was one of the biggest battle in which many powered countries are involved like China. But the most powerful country fought in this battle was Germany. At that time Germany was only country which have most powerful force i.e. we can also say that Germany's Force was one of the only force which is equal to the forces of 10 countries. But instead of this Germany surrenders.
The Germany force is also known as Nazi force because of its Leader. The Nazi force leader was on of the most dangerous man in the history, Adolf Hitler. Hitler wan not powerful with his arm but his powerful with his speech. His speech can rise those also who were paralysed by brain.

At that time Hitler wins many battle but this battle led him down. The circumstances was very critical that Adolf Hitler committed suicide on 30 April during the Battle of Berlin. No one knows that the powerful man why committed suicide.
With his last speech given to his force, The force fought for seven days continuously but of 8 May 1945, The Nazi Force surrenders. Because of this other country got victory.
And from that day every 8th may is celebrated as Victory in Europe Day.
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