Tesla Top Speed Car: Elon Musk

Tesla Top Speed Car: Elon Musk

Revolution in the Automobiles Industry.

Automobiles industry is growing very fast and the biggest boost given to this industry is by Tesla. Tesla is the first automobile company which produce electric cars and also this company is a tribute to the Sir Nikola Tesla who had deep connection with electricity.
This company is growing very fast as the next generation is coming near. And now the another biggest thing is announced by the company.

Last year Tesla's CEO Elon Musk announced the game changing car, an ATV car. This car is unique designed car, we can also say that unique designed truck car.According to Tesla's official website, Tesla will release this car in 2021.

The opening price of this car is 40000$ with single motor, which can reach 0-60 mph of speed in 6.5 seconds and has 250 miles of range. With double motors its price is 50000$ can reach 60 mph of speed in 4.5 seconds and has 300 miles of range. And the top version of this car starts with 70000$ which can reach 60 mph of speed in just 3 seconds and have 500 miles of range which is amazing!!!
But this version will release in 2022 or may be it should be late.

The greatest thing of this car is that it is bullet proof car. This car will perform very good in next coming years as this car is also used for high level protection also.

What you think about this car comment down below!!!!

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